Ashley Marie


April 26 - May 25th
Opening Reception: April 26th 6 - 9 PM


Transcendence leads beyond the ordinary realm toward something higher, more spiritual, or metaphysical. A transition between worlds, levels of existence, and states of consciousness. It serves as a threshold to transcend beyond the constraints of the physical world and the limitations of our normal perceptions and understanding, and enter into a realm of deeper spiritual awakening, profound transformation, higher consciousness, and divine experience.

In this body of work I am exploring deeper into spiritual theologies, drawing inspiration from a diverse array of disciplines including mysticism, theology, religion, surrealism, quantum physics, and Jungian psychology. Each piece is imbued with the intention of affirming the existence of reality beyond our immediate senses and perceptions. Offering space for contemplation and reflection, I invite my viewers to look with open hearts and open minds and delve into the depths of your own consciousness and spiritual nature.


Ashley Marie is a multidisciplinary artist in the Metro Detroit area. She attended one semester at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in 2011 for foundation courses and has been self taught since. In addition to exhibiting work throughout Detroit, Ashley’s work also appeared in the 55th Venice Biennale. Her work is derived from her life experiences. She hopes to inspire her audience thoughts on spirituality. She works in a variety of mediums such as oil paint, graphite, resin, and clay. These mediums allow her to achieve a simultaneously realistic and ethereal look, portraying the illusion between life and spirit.

Through my life experiences on navigating through grief and existentialism, my work explores the space between physical and spiritual realms. I work with a variety of mediums to allow for the creation of both realistic and ethereal qualities to portray this space between. I seek to inspire that we are eternal spiritual beings living a human experience.





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